There are so many amazing places that are nearby to Ramsey Canyon Cabins & Bird Sanctuary for you to go and birdwatch. Please let us know if you have any questions about these birding locations. Google map links are attached on each title. Enjoy!
This website has numerous birding hotspots -
Ramsey Canyon Cabins & Bird Sanctuary - Ramsey Canyon is a world renowned birding and nature enthusiast hotspot. We have developed our 8 acre property with this in mind and have created an oasis for birds and wildlife to thrive in. We have amazing birding year round! The property offers a dedicated Bird Garden with over 35 feeders, two water fountains and lots of seating, 4 different trails that total a little over a mile with 14 different seating and viewing areas. There are over 80 feeders throughout the property as well as water fountains and bird boxes. Please see our most recent eBird hotspot report here, and check out our Haiku Box to hear and see what is in the garden.
Ramsey Canyon Preserve
Owned and operated by the Nature Conservancy, this 350 acre preserve in the middle elevations of the canyon provides additional birding opportunities and also for hiking. Lots of folks exercise there and hike higher into the Huachuca mountains.
Hwy 92 – 6 miles south of Fry Blvd/Hwy 90 in Sierra Vista, 3 miles to the end of Ramsey Canyon Road.
$5 for Cochise County residents and members, $8 for nonresident. Tell them your are our guests and they will give you the local rate.
It is a five minute walk up the road from the cabins.
Ash Canyon Bird Sanctuary
Tom Wood, Sheri Williamson and many local volunteers as well as donations from near and far help operate this facility. This very special habitat is a perfect location for birdwatchers of all types. Visit the open yard, sit in comfortable chairs, and the birds come to feast at the many feeders around the yard.
It is about 10 minutes away from the cabins.
Carr Canyon and Peak
One of the most reliable localities for Buff-breasted Flycatcher as well as other high altitude birds such as Red-faced Warbler, Red Crossbill, Olive Warbler, Pygmy Nuthatch and Steller’s Jay.
The road becomes unpaved, and has switchbacks that can be challenging for the faint of heart. Check the road conditions before you try this canyon road out.
Website: It is about 10 minutes from the cabins.
Patagonia Sonoita Creek Preserve
Owned and operated by the Nature Conservancy. On Pennsylvania Ave north of Hwy 82 in Patagonia.
One hour west of Sierra Vista, this lush riparian area provides habitat for over 200 species of birds. Fee required at the preserve. The nearby Roadside Rest Area on Hwy 82 is another spot to visit. Carefully cross the highway and walk along the fence marking private land along Sonoita Creek. Rose-throated Becards have nested in the sycamores here in recent years. High desert and riparian habitats. High desert resident birds and migrants can be found.
$6 per person
Website: It is about 1 hour from the cabins
Patagonia Lake State Park
Recently added the Sonoita Creek Natural area to its attractions. The area boasts shorebirds, flycatchers , and even a trogon or two. You can rent a boat to see the area, take the trail around the lake, or take advantage of a guided pontoon boat trip. Overnight full-hookup camping is available.
Located 13 miles southwest of Patagonia. Easy access by car.
Park entrance fee is $7 per car up to 4 people.
Website: It is about an hour from the cabins
Patagonia Butterfly Garden
Of the 700 butterfly species you can see in North America, over 200 can be seen in Patagonia. August is an excellent time to visit.
The open butterfly garden is in the Patagonia Town Park. There is a market and some restaurants to visit as well.
Website: It is less than 1 hour from the cabins.
Paton Center for Hummingbirds
A great place to see hummingbirds in Patagonia. Marian Paton’s yard is open 7 days a week from dawn to dusk; it borders the Patagonia sewer ponds and the preserve property. A heron rookery is easy to watch from the viewing area.
Located 1 ¼ miles southeast of the Preserve Visitor Center on Blue Haven Road; 477 Pennsylvania Ave., Patagonia, AZ 85624
Donations accepted.
Website: It is less than an hour away from the cabins.
San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area
Riparian birds, Gray Hawk, Black Hawk, Belted and Green Kingfisher, Painted Redstart, Hummingbirds, and lots of field and river birds.
San Pedro House Visitor Center on Hwy 90, east of Sierra Vista on the west bank of the San Pedro River. Ponds, bookstore, and tours are offered. Watch for the Green Kingfisher. The SPRNCA stretches 40 miles from Casa de San Pedro (Waters Rd) on the south all the way to St. David. Various access points include Casa de San Pedro, Hereford Road bridge, San Pedro House, Charleston Road, and the Holy Trinity Monastery in St. David.
It is free for daily use.
Website: It is about 20 minutes from the cabins.
Coronado National Memorial
All of the common oak woodland birds such as Acorn Woodpecker, Mexican Jay, Bridled Titmouse and Montezuma Quail are found here along with mammals such as White-tailed Deer, White-nosed Coati and Javelina.
Coronado Memorial Road off Hwy 92, 16 miles south of Sierra Vista and 21 miles west of Bisbee.
It is free for daily use. Check out the cave while you are there. It is a short hike and a unique experience!
Website: It is about 15 minutes from the cabins.
Cave Creek/Portal, AZ
Riparian habitat. Resident and migrant birds.
Easy access by car. Easy to moderate hikes from parking area. It is free for daily use.
Website: It is just over 2 hours drive from the cabins.
Empire Cienega
High desert grasslands and some riparian areas. High desert residents and migrant birds. Unique and rare vegetative communities including five of the rarest habitat types in the American Southwest: cienegas (marshlands), cottonwood-willow riparian forests, sacaton grasslands, mesquite bosques, and semi-desert grasslands.
Easy access by car when dirt roads are dry. Easy hikes. It is free for daily use.
Website: It is only an hour from the cabins.
Garden/Shelite Canyons at Fort Huachuca
Mountain canyon habitat. Montane birds and Spotted Owl.
Moderate to difficult access by car. Four wheel drive advisable beyond picnic areas. Strenuous hike in Shelite Canyon. Easy to moderate hiking in Garden Canyon
There is no fee but you will need to get a visitors pass to get on base which will take some time.
It is about 40 minutes from the cabins to get up to the canyon, there are a variety of habitats on base.
Kartchner Caverns
High desert habitat. Has amazing cavern tours, where some of the local bats inhabit different times of year.
It is $7 per car to enter. Easy access by car.
Cave tours are available and adults are $23.00
It is about 40 minutes away from the cabins.
Kino Springs
High desert and riparian habitats. High desert resident birds and migrants.
Easy access by car. Easy walks around parking areas. Trip includes stops at 2 spring fed ponds and golf course.
No fee and is 1 hour and 20 minutes away from the cabins.
Madera Canyon
High desert and mountain canyon habitats. High desert, mountain and migrant birds.
Easy access by car. Easy, moderate and strenuous hikes.
Website: Birding Madera Canyon
There is no fee and it is 1.5 hours from the cabins depending on which way you go.
Whitewater Draw
Man made lake. Waterfowl and riparian birds. Sandhill Cranes Nov-March.
Easy access by car. Easy hikes from parking area.
Donations are excepted and it is about 1 hour from the cabins.
Fort Huachuca Army Base
Huachuca and Garden Canyons on the Fort. You MUST get a day pass to gain access to the base at the north entrance. Please read.
Adjoins the west side of Sierra Vista. Access through the Main or East Gates. Ask for detailed map directions and advice about permitted hours, road closures, etc when you enter the base. Access is very limited due to security concerns.
Good canyon birding (Mexican Spotted Owl, Elegant Trogons, Montezuma Quail, Antelope, etc, etc.) Worth the effort if you can put up with sometimes long lines to get day permits AND are a US citizen with proper ID and willing to submit to a background check.
There is no fee and it is about 15 minutes from the cabins.